To schedule Canton Garden Center for parties, weddings or other functions call 330-456-4521 or 330-438-4691
Location Map
Phone: 330.455.6172 - not for scheduling use of building or garden club questions
email: [email protected] - not for scheduling use of building (call 330-4384691 for scheduling)
Leave a message on the phone or email a message and all messages will receive a response within 24 hours.
To Schedule Speakers - 330-455-6172 - Canton Garden Center has a list of well informed speakers.
Location Map
Phone: 330.455.6172 - not for scheduling use of building or garden club questions
email: [email protected] - not for scheduling use of building (call 330-4384691 for scheduling)
Leave a message on the phone or email a message and all messages will receive a response within 24 hours.
To Schedule Speakers - 330-455-6172 - Canton Garden Center has a list of well informed speakers.